11 Best Tracking Systems (2023)

Disclaimer: This post contains references to products where I received commissions for purchases made through links. This is to help support my blog and does not have any impact on my recommendations.

Ad Tracking Tool – The Key to Online Ad Tracking Success!

An ad tracker is really a online ad tracking tool that will allow you to definitely monitor and track every click that is made by visitors via your referral or affiliate link. To make things better still, you already know wherever you placed your affiliate link. You can either purchase ad tracking software or utilize a supplier on the internet.

With online ad tracking tool, it is possible to monitor the progress of your respective internet marketing campaigns. If you have some affiliate accounts, this tool can be very best if you have.

Every each decision you create ought to be well grounded in facts. If you are using a web based ad tracking tool, it is possible to create visitor reports for your personal web site report. Armed with the proper knowledge and an online ad tracking tool, you’ll have no problems to success inside web marketing world. It could be complicated to get started – although as soon as you start making money online you with thankful you took the opportunity!

1. AdsBridge.com

Track, monitor, analyze, monetize, and refine your affiliate marketing. For affiliate marketers, this is the optimal tracker to find out where you’re getting the greatest returns on affiliate programs/product/services you’re selling on your site or blog.

One platform for managing

On AdsBridge.com you can manage all your affiliate products on one page. Using an SaaS platform you can minimize fraud and maximize your sales channels and funnels. You can scale your affiliate marketing business, determine which outlets you’re getting the greatest returns from, and conduct complete data analysis on all campaigns.

What can you track?

  • Information from over 160 countries
  • PPC and conversion tracking (sales)
  • Over 100 integrated networks and platforms
  • Split testing
  • Hide and refer funnels

You also have a fraud detector, link trackers, redirect trackers, and more.

In affiliate marketing, you need to optimize the number of sales coming through your affiliate links. AdsBridge.com will help you figure out where most sales are coming through, and where you should be promoting your affiliate products for sale.


2. BeRush.com

If you’re familiar with SEM Rush. you might want to consider BeRush.com as an affiliate online marketing platform to earn money. It’s SEMrush’s affiliate program for SEO.

Why join?

SEMrush is one of the most well known platforms for online marketing, analytics, SEM reports, SEO reports, and more. BeRush.com, is where you can earn money, as an affiliate, through SEMrush. When you join you get

  • Access to promo materials to add to your blog, website, or other platforms
  • An affiliate link available in five languages so you can sell to multiple people/regions
  • Earn up to 40% commission for recurring customers

Each time someone buys a service/product through SEMrush, using your link, you’re earning.

Great platform, trusted name

If you’ve been hesitant of affiliate marketing before, with SEMrush and BeRush.com, you don’t have to be. SEMrush is one of the most well known analytic sites. So, you’re basically promoting an excellent service on your website or blog, and earning with each sale through BeRush.com.


3. ClickMagick.com

As an online marketer, understanding where your advertising/marketing dollars are being spent, and where the greatest ROI is coming from, is imperative. With clickmagick.com, you can track all your spending, returns, and online ads in one place.

What does it track?

Clickmagick.com tracks virtually everything you’re doing online as a marketer including

  • Bot filtering
  • Link uptime monitoring
  • Split testing
  • Sales funnels
  • Retargeting ads
  • Click-fraud
  • Geotracking, mobile optimization

And, virtually anything else as it relates to your ads, who’s clicking on them, from where, and where possible threats are coming from.

Automate and optimize

Additionally, using the platform marketers can automate new ads to launch, add different features to pop up ads (five options), add countdown timers (don’t miss this deal), and perform traffic analysis, to better target to your audience.

If you want to know how ads are performing, which ones are performing best, and want to fully automate and optimize your marketing/advertising dollars, clickmagick.com can help online marketers do just that.


4. ClickMeter.com

If you’re an affiliate marketer, when promoting your marketing links, ClickMeter.com can help you maximize your earning potential based upon the information you’ll learn from the site.

You can easily increase conversion rates, target where your visitors are coming from, track views (clicks and conversions), monitor broken links, fraud, and other issues with your site utilizing ClickMeter.com.

Benefits of ClickMeter.com

Obviously, understanding where most visitors are coming and converting from, gives you a better idea of how to retarget links and where to add them. But, you also receive information regarding possible fraud, broken links, and can fix these issues immediately. This will help instantly improve SEO rank, and help get your site’s rank higher through organic search engines.

You simply create a track link, use it in ads, and receive real time reports of how those ads/campaigns are fairing, to the customer or audience you are targeting with your ads, product, promotion, or campaign.


5. CPVLabPro.com

When creating online ads, you obviously want to know how they’re performing after launch. CPVLabPro.com lets you track and analyze the ads you create and deliver to your audience online.

What it tracks

What exactly can you track with CPVLabPros.com?

  • Lab stats and reports (SEO, keyword reports, click conversions, revenue metrics, etc)
  • Geo stats (track where people are clicking your ads from
  • If/Then redirects
  • Page and offer rotation and real-time analysis

You can also view campaign dashboards for each ad your company’s utilizing at any time, create line visitor stats, and customize views for your ad revenues and returns. Track mobile usage, your mobile audience and more. Anyone from marketers to affiliates or agencies can benefit from using this platform.


It’s $49/month for CPV Pro. This includes unlimited clicks, tracking, over 30 data points, a lifetime license, 100 custom tracking domains, and several other ad tracking stat and analysis tools to use.


6. Improvely.com

With Improvely.com, marketers can track the source of every sale they’re making. Whether they’re coming from PPC ads, affiliate links, email campaigns, or a solo ad, the site actively tracks and monitors all links, sales, and conversions.

Improved marketing

With built-in tracking, you learn where all sign ups, sales, and customers came from, so you can retarget future campaigns to the right location. Improvely.com also features built-in fraud monitoring. If there’s suspicious activity, you’re alerted instantly so you can check it out. You’ll learn information about your best customer (actual person profile) so you can determine how to thank them (promos, discounts, sales, etc).

Plans start as low as $29 for a single user, up to $299 a month for large campaigns which can track over 250K clicks per month. It also features built-in A/b tests, team members, affiliate marketing tools, white label reporting, and other features, for the higher priced plans.

No matter how small your operation, Improvely.com can help track, monitor, and detail the information you need, to understand where your sales are coming from.


7. MonsterInsights.com

MonsterInsights is a wordpress plugin that allows you to very easily add, modify, and manage the Google Analytics website tracking solutions on your WordPress site. The plugin was originally created by Yoast, the originator of the WordPress SEO plugin, widely viewed as the best WordPress SEO wordpress tool available. This plugin makes it effortless to properly hook up your WordPress site with Google Analytics, so you may start making data-driven selections to grow your business.

With merely a few clicks, you can setup your Yahoo Analytics for WordPress start collecting a the information you need for your sites.


8. LinkTrack.com

If you want to track the quality of your links and monitor link clicks accurately, Linktrack.com can help. It will track who’s visiting your site, outbound and inbound links, and where they’re coming from.


Some of the features LinkTrack.com offers its customers include

  • Real time reposting
  • Unlimited link tracking
  • Alert emails
  • Conversion tracking
  • Auto link deactivation
  • Password protection features
  • IP address location
  • Link changing

There are three plan options, a free, a $6.95 plan and $24.95 month plan. With the higher end plan you receive repostable alerts, offline data, Plus+ tracking, custom domain names, and other features.

It’s available for Windows, Linux, Mac, and is cloud-hosted. Primary customers using the service are small business owners, bloggers, freelancers, and smaller e commerce businesses.

The ability to track links from virtually anywhere, and see detailed graphs of click-information, is an invaluable tool to help companies retarget, brand, and reevaluate their design, and target audience.


9. LinkTrackr.com

Marketers can greatly benefit from a site like LinkTrackr.com. By understanding their links, broken links, conversions, and what’s working vs what isn’t, you can recreate your ad and marketing campaign to increase profit margins.

What you can track

Easily track sales and leads from affiliate links using LinkTrackr.com. The platform allows users to

  • Identify the source of conversions
  • Track banner ads, solo ads, pop ups, email ads, and more
  • Intelligent conversion helps prevent duplicate conversion

Furthermore, you can maximize your ROI by learning where most sales are coming from, which ads are working well, and which ones aren’t.

What types of ads are tracked

Virtually any ad you’re spending money on can be tracked with LinkTrackr.com. PPC ads, solo ads, email campaigns, and more. You can see which PPC ads are performing well, how much you spend per click, and what the average conversions are.

Avoid overspending, and using ads which aren’t working; LinkTrackr.com will help you maximize your earnings by providing in-depth analysis of the campaigns which work best, so you can focus your efforts in targeting the right audience.


10. VisualVisitor.com

Anonymous visitors are just lost sales, right? Not with VisualVisitor.com. Most people who visit your site do so anonymously. You’ll get about 2% of people who leave their information on your site, but that’s it. So how does anonymous site tracking benefit your business?

Some of the ways VisualVisitor.com can help your marketing team include

  • Learning IP addresses and visitor location
  • Finding out how long they visited your site
  • Learning where visitors clicked from (external links or general SEO search)
  • Find out if they have seen/clicked PPC ads, banner ads, email links, or other search parameters

Furthermore, incorporating, integration, email tracking, analytics, and form captures, allows VisualVisitor.com to paint a better picture of who’s visiting your site, where you previously had limited (if any) information at all.

An anonymous visitor is a lost sale. But, with VisualVisitor.com, you are gleaning invaluable information about your visitor, so you can better retarget them, and try to convert that anonymous visitor, into a repeat visitor, and hopefully, eventually get that person to become a customer.

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